To all we like tissues, the wonderful feeling of achieving something through stitches with crochet needle and wool, is something that motivates us to do. And those details that you elaborate as flirty rugs, bedspreads, cushion covers and others can be exploited as part of the decoration of interiors. Needless to weave all kinds of details and a large amount, just a mat, or a curtain can do much to your living room.
As you can see in the image illustrating this post, a game of crochet mats cheerful color, they look great as a detail on the couch. You can further leverage the idea and carry out a set of mats also allows you to give a touch of coquetry to the coffee table or maybe a corner table where you put an ornament or a vase.
The option to choose image as a contrasting color is something even more beautiful stay. It is a small mat which is placed on the couch, but a work of art in crochet, if you are talented in it, can make inspiration from this great idea that is repeated in the center table.
Decorating is not at all boring, because we love it and because we can use a variety of great ideas for decorating. Workings crochet, turn it into a form more than a touch of originality to our salon high at low cost without investing, not much time on it.
No one knows for sure the exact culture where the hook came. Yes it could have come from other forms of tissue in the South American, Chinese and Arab cultures are known. What is necessary is that it came to Europe in the seventeenth century.
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