The gothic office in black color

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Your own creative, the interior designer on Helgerson Jessica called to this office located in a building dating from the end of the s.XIX in Portland (United States) the gothic office, so I am not one perform the opposite, but apart from that ogee, to me more than it seems to me modern gothic, male, sober, elegant, perhaps with a point english style smoking room. The focal point, this element that makes this space pass of the wow! The WOW! For me it is without doubt is that beautiful crystal sculpture of artist Andy Paiko Lagoon Wildlife Sanctuary that serves as a dividing line between the two sides of the table, thus enabling 4 work areas (the meeting table is the round of the last photo). If you have a little bit, have a look at the rest of the projects that you will find in your web. They deserve, and very much worthwhile.

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